Monday, July 14, 2008

Dubai Jobs and Its Lifestyle

By Aamir Noman

Dubai is rapidly growing- according to many it is the fastest growing city in the world. In Dubai there are increasing number of jobs waiting for workers from all over the world and professions. For many employees Dubai is the fantastic experience with an enjoyable lifestyle and good professional development. See the discussion about jobs in Dubai and its life style:

Most familiar types of jobs and salaries:

• CEO's and Managing Directors in Dubai companies can get up to 100,000 - 150,000 dhs /month. For smaller companies something closer to 50,000 dhs/month.
• Private investment bankers are getting an average of 80,000- 90,000 dhs/month.
• Seniors and project managers, salaries up to 20,000 -50,000 + dhs/month.
• Doctors salaries depending on the hospital /clinic getting 15,000-50,000dhs/month.
• Teaching is one of the few professions with a minimum wage requirement of 2000dhs/month.
• Professionals such as lawyers, architects, Pilots, accountants, teachers, are represented by all nationalists. Salaries range from poor to very good is 2,000-40,000+/month.
• Sectaries and receptionists earning 2,000 to 6,000 dhs/month
• Taxi drivers can earn 400dhs in an eight hour day.
• Heavy Duty drivers getting about 700 dhs/month.

Salaries and Benefits in Dubai Jobs:

Transport, housing, medical, travel, pension, tax:

A common middle class salary would be 5000-10,000dhs/month.A good middle management salary would be 10,000 to 20,000 dhs/month and senior management salaries can be from 15,000 up to 40,000 dhs/month. Westerns and UAE nationals command the highest salaries. The job benefits can include company housing, housing paid for the company but found your self, a housing allowance, a car or transport allowance; private medical insurance .A gratuity is paid at the end of employment but depends on the various factors. There is no income tax in Dubai although occasionally the possibility is discussed.

Non payment of wages and salaries:

A non payment of salaries is an issue that is rarely resolved in favor of the employee. Management in Dubai jobs are well aware of the poor reputation of some companies and sectors for not paying their workers. The employee can file a complain with the UAE Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. There is a procedure to follow and claims are investigated with companies being penalized by being blacklisted from hiring workers. Many non payment complaints are resolved in favor of the worker but sometimes a case can drag on for months.

Hours of Work and Holidays:

Most jobs in UAE are 5 days, 5 and a half or 6 days /week. The employee should make sure before signing. The working week changed from Saturday- Wednesday and Sunday - Thursday for the public sector. The private sector working week varies but mostly follows the government sector, and Friday is common holiday for all sectors. Public holidays come into two varieties: fixed (e.g. Eid, 01 January etc.) and actual days (not announced depends on the moon sights. Like Moharram.).

Employee Dressing in Dubai:

For office jobs in Dubai, men should wear a tie but a jacket is not so common. Women can wear much the same in a comparable job in a western country. Natural fibers are more suitable for the hot Dubai climate.

Employee Verbal Communication in Dubai:

Arabic is the official language of UAE but English is the common denominator amongst the many different nationalities working in jobs in Dubai, at least in the private sectors. It is useful for the employee to be able to speak Arabic but not essential for most jobs.

Bayrozgar helps organizations to find right individuals for their job openings. You can visit us at

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